ok, so we manage to finagle our way in to the party the day after this photoshoot so we were here and they get this really famous guy to do some hair but I do not want to flash the light in his face so I take a picture of his car, and it look like this. you can dial his name website up and it is "iii" on the end of the name. His tires got more rubber on them than my tires and he has two gas caps too and I only have one. and my car is a piece of junk and his car looks cool!!!click on pics and they get bigger
so anyway, he works and does his thing and so I look in the canyon and they have visitors down there so I take a picture of them. you can look at the exif data, for my camera the multiplier is about 1.5 so one picture is about 400mm effective and the other one is about 450mm, the darker one. it is darker since it is so dark at dusk when these visitors come out that I can not see so good. the exif data says 800 asa or iso and f6.7 at 1/45 seconds and I did not use a tripod. Try that with your camera without a VR lens!!! It is a real long way down to those deer.
click on pics and they get bigger
Well anyway, they also put in a new Medicine Buddha but they don't have the wooden bowl yet so there is a flower there, hibiscus I think it is. It is a big statute and it take 8 people to carry it there down 50 stairs and it way maybe 900 lbs. I did not try to lift it. The guy put it there so people can get married there in front of it, I think. I don't really know much about this getting married stuff since I have not tried it before so I do not know. Can you guess where the picture is taken from???click on pic to make it bigger