Yup sure did. I have not done that before. Barbeque a fish. Actually, it is the first fish I eat this year. I think. Maybe. I am not sure if the last fish I eat was last year or early this year.
Actually, I had a little bit of broiled salmon at a party on July 4. It went fast so I only got a couple bites. It was pretty good. It was on sale cheap. About $2 a pound. You had to cut it up yourself. Someone else cut it up and also broiled it in the oven. That stuff is normally about $7 here. I was being encouraged to develop a liking for fish. That fish. Or halibut, which is $12 a pound. So I had to fine cheap fish fast before this train of thought got out of hand.
White sea bass is $1.99 a pound most days so that will have to do. Also called Corvina or something else too. Don't remember. Anyway, it stunk like hell so I do not think it was fresh. So I put it in a second bag and tied a knot and put it in the freezer so it did not smell. The stinky water froze. and I called and had the fish taken out of the freezer in the afternoon.
It was already clean by the time I got home and did not smell anymore either. I got some words about how I do not know how to buy fresh fish and look for some that do not have the red eyes. So today I look there again and yes, they have both kinds but this time it is not so late and the store smell nice and clean and not like last time when even by the front door it smell like smelly rotten fish.
So then I season the fish. Well, I set a spice on the counter and as if by majic, the little green fruits were cut open and dribbled on the fish because that is like lemon and makes the smell go away. I do not know what the little green fruits are, they are about 3/4" or small in diameter.
And the cajun spices help the fish and plus some olive oil, blended with canola oil went on the inside and also on the outside and one fish got salty soy sauce and mine did not. I had two fish, see? Ok, and so it finds it's way to the grill. I carried the plate to the grill and then I put one on but then I had help and so that one got moved and so the other one got there too. i checked and cuz I had put a thermometer in the grill door, it was 400 degrees F.
And I put the timer on 7 minutes and then I did the flipping cuz the fish was still stuck. They got another 6 or 7 minutes and mine could have used another minute cuz there was a bite, a small bite in the middle that did not get off the bone cuz it was still sushi. So I left it on the bone and donated the one little leftover bite to the garbage can.
All in all, it was pretty good and the cost was not much. Today I looked for other types of fish and I also bought pande sol and some kind of round flat-ish bread with butter cream frosting and raisins inside and also a half of a kabocha which is something that looks like a small Hubbard winter squash so I figured it would cook the same. Maybe tomorrow.
Today I had pan de sol rolls, three of them, with butter and peanutbutter and jam and also a coca cola.
I'm still hungry. bummer.
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