Friday, October 17, 2008

Alien from Mars Captures Facelss Man

Yup, you heard it here first. National Inquirerere will not have the story by the time this goes to press. I have picture. Actually, the martian is from the moon and that is the one on the right with the moontan all alabaster. They use lots of Oil of L.A. to get the skin so smooth, Did you kow that?

If you look close, the other person has no face, that is a flat spot in the front. You have two Allen Screws with special wrench so you can save face when you go out in public. You leave it at home and just bolt it on later.

I had to convert the pic to 64 bits and yank the color hard to make the she-woman white. I thinkshe may have started out as chinese before I did that, but I took poetic liberity.

Let me see if I can put the pic here. hhmmm

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