Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ok, which one got "shopped"??

(click on them to make them bigger)
I did barbeque chicken so I had to take a picture. One of these got with curves applied just a touch, moved the top end in a little and then barely some "S" shape to tasty it up some. Both got resized with futurix with .02 smoothing and 90% compression to the size you see here. Both came from the same camera-jpg image. The flash was a bounce off a little piece of plastic, forgot what brand, with the flash set to 60 degree off straight-ahead, ie, mostly up and so the piece of plastic bounce the light straight down on the food. Spices is southwest chipotle seasoning and ground pepper with water and honey splashed on now and then to take care of flare ups on the grill, which started at 200 degrees F and went to 400 degrees F with the lid closed. The chicken was laying on a Home Depot brand cookie sheet, stainless steel with holes in it, to keep it all acting like a broiler oven. Yum Yum (hint, the plate is more gray in the original)

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