Monday, February 8, 2010

hair lined crack

I bought a new lens a while back, 10mm and it is nice to make things look good.

Isn't this so totally cool?

btw, for all you chics that zooom the pic up to 400% that really IS a crack in the concrete

I can't believe that, I posted it to modelmayhem and got 5th place in pic-of-the day
and started getting email from women telling me that was a hair. Like I mean seriously, even
if it really was a hair, how would I do a quality control check? I am going to go to the model
tell her to hold my glasses so I can see better and then inspect carefully from 2 inches away?

Life would be grand if I could get away with that but I still have all my teath and so that
is proof I have never done that kind of a intimate inspection

no seriously, it is really a crack in the ... whatever, and when you zooom the other hair is also a defect in the bathtub

1 comment:

CityKid said...

24-hours to make a post before you're a year out. Hope all's well.