Thursday, February 26, 2009

Producers of Dreams

I was playing with babel translater again after reading Bai Ling's blog today and so I translate her words back and forth and make poetry. Sort of. Here is what I got.
She is here: Bai Ling Blog for today or a day or two ago click here

She talk of naked this and naked that and so anyway, I play like so with Babel, first I translate alpha to sino trad and then sino trad back to alpha and I get this:

naked nakedness
naked naked

The naked Bai has naked blond feathers
The naked Bai has the naked white skin golden hair feather

But enough about me. Some years ago, I made a bad camera purchase decision and topped it off with a bad filter purchase decision too. I bought a polarizer that has a yellow tinge added to it and that was supposed to make everything better. It just made it yellow. Yellow is ok for hair, or blond, rather, but it is not so good for polarizers. And it only sort of polarized things because it was circular and it dropped the light by 2 or 3 f-stops so I had the camera on 800 ASA / ISO and so it was grainy to boot. Now I have BibblePro from BibbleLabs so I play with the picture again and I set autocolor on blue and it moves the sliders around and helps some, and I added a little bit of Noise Ninja too. Noise Ninja does magic.

I notice things about this gal's hair but not until later, when we eat junk mexican food beside that place that probably had bird poop on the tables and no, the place does not have table cloths. And I know how to make the hair touch up but I will not reveal the details here. It does not matter. I did not notice earlier and since it was a model event for mostly younger ones and some had parents, I did not assume she was a parent because she did not have younger one so I assumed she was model. Bashful model. She is a beautiful model.

And it took me almost two hours to get her to act playful. She did. Eventually. But the pictures all stunk because the camera is no good and the ASA is wrong for good pictures and the filter is bad investment and actually, the only thing good about the picture is that she is pretty. I think in the end she act pretty because she think no one was watching, like she is more used to being on the other side of the camera.

So here is the picture the way BibblePro fix it. I have 200 pictures so your choice of which one is best may be different than mine. It is slightly pink the way Bai Ling's pictures are today, consult the link above for details.

So what do you think? Let me know, huh?

(this picture temporarily removed cuz she said I can do another picture)


Monday, February 23, 2009

百靈有一隻俏麗的貓 The Lark got the Pretty Kitty

I was playing with yahoo's babel again. I do that sometimes. It changes phrases so today I put in a phrase and got this:

Then I translate it back and got this:
The hot sex appeal, smells your happy smile.
It had originally come from this:
Hot sexy, Smell the smile of your happiness.

So anyway, I received a picture in the email of this woman and her kitty and so I fold the picture in half so you can see her kitty better. This is a righteous sized cat! Looks at those paws!! They are like waay bigger than her hands! This kitty is a tiger! But sleepy. Notice how that always feed the kitty before you get to play with it? No chance to get your hands on one of those unless you make sure the dietary needs are fulfilled first.
As usual, click on the photo to make it bigger.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

bling looks good around your neck

I get stabilizer for webcam. It is way cheap compared to Steadycam products. And it works for cams that are light weight. So I take picture. In bathroom. You never know when you may have to take picture or webcam in bathroom, like when you have visiter. And also, I take picture of brown orchid flower.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I have 百靈 mail from Hong Kong

I got p o box mail today. I had to wait in line but it was for a good cause. They look like genuine dvd's with shrink wrap. and I include the links down below from what it said on the box. The box has pretty picture of Miss Ling on it too. Now i have to find a friend with tv so I can watch. Maybe this weekend.

hk Monkey King part i

hk Monkey King part ii