Tuesday, May 12, 2009

this really bugs me

I went for a ride way up high in the air where the air is clear. I stopped and talked to a guy. Mostly cuz there were not hardly any people there but he was stopped and he had the same brand bike as me. Except different color. He was planning to travel the length of south america and was gonna get a new bike, bmw or ktm I think he wanted. they cost 2x or 3x what mine cost, maybe more.

Anyway, there was a cloud of critters in the air. everywhere so I took a couple pics of them with my point-and-shoot and post them here so you can see what kind of bugs fly way up high in the air. They probably did not think they were way up high in the air because they were near the ground. But they were. maybe 5ooo feet or so.
as usual, click on the pics and they get bigger.

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