Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BAI LING - Foto Available (in Europe)

Ok, so I can not be famous for one more day. I look at the calender and they need 40 extras today A karoake bar from a long time ago and a karoke bar for today.

They wanted something else also, but I was not qualified as I am broke, they wanted jewelry store customer but I do not know how to look at jewelry.

Last time I had anything to do with jewelery I made it myself, earings and necklace with pendent in sterling with some kind of rock, may have been garnet or sapphire, I forget.


I had to remove what I had here before because I receive advice from a messenger from the moon that said I should not be so naughty.

So I do something else. Remember Bai Ling say she is always so popular on the Entertainment Tonight or the E! Entertainment or what ever it is called in Germany? I find out why. I get junk mail from amazon dot de and so i browse and I find photo poster for sale of Bai Ling. It is featuring her nipples with dress, but the dress only cover up one. I post only a real small photo for USA audience but you can buy the real big version if you go there and shop. The bigger image, in HDTV size is OK for prime time audience over there on their Deutsche Welle International Broadcasting Station. This is why they feature her over there so much. Actually, they had people from way up north in China somewhere go invade europe many centuries ago and so the locals fancied a maiden or two or maybe the invaders fancied a blonde or two and so in the gene pool there, they have people with Bai's eyes and blonde hair. So she looks especially cute to them. Besides, she has those bangs and all.

Ok, so they sell "BAI LING - Foto" for price only "Preis: EUR 14,90" and it is about 16 inches by 20 inches big. They have a "Größeres Bild " on the website too but you will have to go to amazon dot de to see it.

They also have for sale a movie where she go on a International Road Trip to Paris and Las Vegas with some guy. Well, I guess that would be international for Germany, huh? It is called "Paris - The Business of Pleasure" and it is cheap and you get "Kostenlose Lieferung ab EUR 20 Bestellwert" and since it is so cheap if you buy the poster then you just make the 20 of thier units of measure so the shipping is free. It probably says inhalb deutschland somewhere but I did not see it. so I probably spelled it wrong.

I did not order the video since I can always get a autograph copy over here and so I push the "Fenster schließen" button instead.

I wonder what happens if I put that button here? hmnnn...

1 comment:

wheeler92196 said...

This was hard to find too...
here is the path:

.› Küche & Haushalt
..› Wohnen & Lifestyle
...› Bilder, Poster, Kunstdrucke
....› Kunst
.....› Fotografie
....... "BAI LING - Foto"