Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guess what are GHOSEs and why I want to know!!

Last night I have china friend who say
"you have to share your GHOSEs and
crazy night with me as well,
let's meet later or tomorrow..... "

So I had to ask friend, and friend of friend of friend who does not maybe know her.
Who are these GHose's of which she speak?

So I google to give you the factoids.
Garter Ho's
She is a Garter Ho.
I go to yahoo answers to get my infomation
but they call it GarterHose.
And yes, they have spam add.
like so

This is most amazing, she read my mind
and know where I will look.
You see, she has yellow motorbike same that
and in the add it has race day emblem
This woman is fast. Fast and furious.
If I do not run out and get her some of
these ghoses of which she speak.
Today could be a great day later...

At stockings only dot com they have color choice.
Same here:

Let's see, the yahoo answers was to the
"How do you connect garter belts to the hose?"
but I have not learned how
to put the link here.
I will practice later with the hose.
It is fun to help her put them on
before we eat out
And it is good also later when
we get back from dinner or lunch

1 comment:

Cathy D. said...

holy shit dude what are you on?